Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Poll Update

As of right now, six Ex-Gifted Readers are planning to vote for Barack Obama. One of you is planning to be a jerk and not vote at all. Now, I know this poll (like the presidential election) is a "secret ballot," but I am hereby calling out the jerk who is not planning to vote and asking:

1. Are you just trying to be funny?

2. Are you really planning to vote for McCain but for some reason felt pressured not to choose option B?

3. Are you planning to do something even more absurd, like writing in for Hillary or Mickey Mouse?

4. Are you even registered to vote? Do you need assistance?

5. Do you realize that in New York State, it's too late to register to vote? Did you not receive all the Facebook reminders about last Friday being the deadline?

6. Are you appreciating all the attention your sly answer has provoked?

Voting is hard


Kyle Camping said...

IT WAS ME!!! I readily admit it. I am not planning on voting. Yes, I am registered to vote, but have not changed my polling place and would have to vote by absentee. I also recognize that NYS will go handily to Obama, therefore, nulling the need to count my absentee ballot (regardless of who I vote for). They honestly will not even bother counting it. And to further arouse your anger, I will state publicly that I feel completely disenfranchised by both candidates and am abstaining from voting as a show of my displeasure. As much as this country needs a good slap in the face (rank-and-file Republicans...I am talking about you), I cannot in good conscience vote for a socialist. HOW EGREGIOUS OF ME!

It is not everyone's DUTY to vote. It is everyone's RIGHT to vote. If I don't vote, then I can't bitch. I accept that...

The Ex-Gifted Child said...

I am so impressed that you came forward! Thank you for your honesty. You have proven your case and I salute you.

Kyle, you are both a patriot and a maverick.