1. Think About Not Getting the Flu
This is the most important thing you can do. According to “The Secret,” you can do whatever you want if you just think about it hard enough. So…every hour on the hour, take a moment to think “No Flu For Me, Thanks.”
Or, "Give Me The Strength Of A Thousand Oprahs"
2. Wash Your Hands
One of the simplest things you can do is to make sure you keep your hands clean. It can be hard to remember, though! Take a tip from Howie Mandel of “Deal or No Deal” and duct tape a Ziploc bag filled with Purell around your hands. You may not be able to use your hands, but at least you will never have to wash them.
Don't Come Near Me
This is a controversial tip, but I’m going out on a ledge here and including on the list. My biggest issue with the flu shot is that it sort of hurts. I don’t know that the benefit outweighs the brief, stinging pain. But if you’re bored and have ten bucks to waste and you like having someone stick a needle in your arm that may only prevent one specific type of influenza, by all means, go get a flu shot.
4. Stay Away From Children and Older People
If at all possible, limit your contact with children and the elderly, who are more prone to contracting winter illness.
For example, if you have children, have them live in a tent in the backyard for the winter (kids think this is super fun!). If you work in a school, take an emergency maternity leave until spring (note that this may not work for most male teachers). If you take care of an elderly relative, tell them you’ll be busy for the rest of the winter, and their contagious ass is on its own.
Sorry Grandma
Dear Ex-gifted Child,
I too am concerned about getting the flu during these infectious times. Is it even safe to check my e-mail anymore? I read in the newspaper about some woman getting a virus! I don't want that to happen to me.
Thanks for your help and all that you do.
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for your comment. You should know that there's a vaccine your doctor can give you to prevent computer viruses. It may also prevent cervical cancer.
Good luck!
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